Jeff Jeffries (ehemaliger Chefingenieur der Queen Elizabeth 2) besuchte uns an Bord der Gaby und bestaunte unsere Motorisierung.
Der ehemalige leitende Ingenieur der Queen Elizabeth 2 startet diesmal „Gabys“ Maschine.
Zum Vergleich: die Hauptmaschine der Queen Elizabeth 2
Die Bitte unseres Skippers, das obenstehende Bild auf unserer Intenetseite veröffentlichen zu dürfen, und die Frage nach seiner Zeit auf der QE2 beantwortete Jeff Jeffries wie folgt:
Hello Ralf,
I transferred from sailing on container ships to Queen Elizabeth2 (QE2) in 1985.
The ship at the time was driven by steam turbines and in October 1986 went to Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven for six months to remove the boilers and turbines and replace with a diesel electric plant powered by 9 MAN engines.
The conversion has proven a great success and I have been involved in all aspects of technical operations of the vessel during my time onboard.
In July 2008 I left Cunard after 23 years with QE2 and moved to Dubai and joined the planning team to convert the ship into a floating hotel at Palm Jumeirah.
Due to the ecomomic downturn the $500,000,000 plan was not started but as the vessel was in commission required engineering staff to keep operational where I was involved as Chief Engineer and Technical Superintendent until March this year.
All vessels have character, no matter how big or small, Gaby is a happy ship and long may she be looked after by svrm for future generations.
Best regards,
Jeff Jeffries